वनस्पति विज्ञान >> एडवान्सेज इन बॉटनी भाग-3 एडवान्सेज इन बॉटनी भाग-3डॉ. एस एन पाण्डेयडॉ. अजन्ता चढ्ढा
उत्तर प्रदेश के विभिन्न विश्वविद्यालयों के बी.एस-सी. तृतीय वर्ष के तृतीय प्रश्नपत्र हेतु स्वीकृत एकीकृत पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित अंग्रेजी भाषा में
उत्तर प्रदेश के विभिन्न विश्वविद्यालयों के बी.एस-सी. तृतीय वर्ष के तृतीय प्रश्नपत्र हेतु स्वीकृत एकीकृत पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित अंग्रेजी भाषा में
Environmental Botany and Plant Pathology
For maintaining similarities and uniformity, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh has introduced a modified and unified course for undergraduate students of all universities of the state. With the new course, examination papers are to be set in new patterns. There will be three papers in the subject, each of 50 marks. Each paper will comprise 4 units. There will be 9 questions in each paper and student has to attempt only 5 questions. Question no. I will be compulsory based on units 1-4 (I-IV) and of short answer type. Two questions will be set from each unit of which one question has to be attempted. All questions will carry equal marks.
As such, there is no any adequate book in the market to cover these courses with new patterns of questions. Efforts have been made to prepare this book following the same recommended pattern. At places, hints for long and short questions have been given without affecting the textual synchronisation. However, due to change in the pattern and old practices of study, some variations may come up. Such arrangement will help students to revise and check their studies. References of university examination questions have been included at proper places.
According to new courses, the subject has been divided into three papers-
FIRST PAPER - Plant Resource Utilization, Palynology and Biostatistics
SECOND PAPER - Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
THIRD PAPER - Environmental Botany and Plant Pathology
Unit-1 : Ecology
1. General Introduction 3-9
2. Environmental factors 10-21
3. Soil or Edaphic Factors 22-38
4. Topographic factors and Biotic Factors 39-44
5. Ecological Adaptations 45-60
6. Plant Succession 61-69
7. The Ecosystem (Structural aspect) 70-80
8. The Ecosystem (Functional aspect) 81-94
9. Biogeochemical Cycles 95-100
Unit-2 : Environmental Pollution
1. Environmental Pollution : A Global Concern 105-109
2. Bio pollution 110-114
3. Air Pollution 115-124
4. Water Pollution 125-132
5. Soil Pollution 133-136
6. Radioactive Pollution 137-141
7. Thermal Pollution 142-143
8. Noise Pollution 144-147
9. CO2 enrichment and Climate change 148-153
10. Greenhouse effect. Ozone depletion and Acid rain 157-164
11. Environmental challenges in India165-184
Unit-3 : Biodiversity and Phytogeography
1. Introduction 185-189
2. Biotic communities 190-192
3. Characteristics of Population 193-199
4. Population Dynamics 200-210
5. Natural Vegetation of India 211-215
6. Static and Dynamic Plant geography 216-219
7. Geographical Distribution of Plants 220-225
8. Endemism 226-228
Unit-4 : Plant Pathology
1. General Introduction 229-239
2. Etiology of Viral. Bacterial and Fungal Diseases 240-257
3. Mosaic Disease of Tobacco 258-262
4. Yellow vein Mosaic of Bhindi 263-267
5. Citrus canker 268-273
6. Little leaf of Brinjal 274-275
7. Damping off of seedlings 276-279
8. Late blight of potato 280-285
9. Red Rot of sugarcane 286-289
10. White rust of crucifers 290-294
11. Wheat rust 295-310
12. Linseed rust 311-313
13. Integrated Pest Disease Management 314-324
14. Integrated Pest Management and Disease Resistance 325-334