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भारतीय विश्वविद्यालयों के स्नातक व परास्नातक पाठ्यक्रमानुसार
भारतीय विश्वविद्यालयों के स्नातक व परास्नातक पाठ्यक्रमानुसार
भारतीय विश्वविद्यालयों के स्नातक व परास्नातक पाठ्यक्रमानुसार
For Graduate and Postgraduate Students of All Indian Universities
1 : General Directions For Laboratory Work ... 1-3
Students' equipments 1: Directions to the students 1: Dissections 2; Flag-labelling 2: Mountings 2: Study of Museum Specimens 3: Study of Slides 3. Practical Note Book (Practical Record) 3; Spotting 3.
2 : Microscopes ... 4-11
Resolving Power of Microscope 4: Types of Microscopes 5; Simple or Dissecting Microscope 5: Operation of Simple Microscope 6: Compound Microscope 6; Parts of Compound Microscope 6; Setting the Microscope 7: Focussing of Microscope 8: Care and Precautions in Handling the Microscope 8: Binocular Microscope 8: Ultramicroscope 9: Ultraviolet Microscope 9: Fluorescence Microscope 9: Dark-field Microscope 9: Phase-contrast Microscope 9; Interference Microscope 10: Polarising Microscope 10; X-ray Microscope 10: Electron Microscope 11.
3: Preparation Of Laboratory Reagents ... 12-17
Fixatives or Fixing Agents 12; Grades of Alcohol 14; Acid Alcohol 14: Stains (Dyes) 15; Other Reagents 17.
4 : Dissections ... 18 - 63
Instructions for Dissections 18Scoliodon (Dog-fish) 19: External Features 19; Scoliodon (Dog-fish) 20: General Anatomy 20, Scoliodon (Dog-fish) 21: Heart and Afferent Branchial Arteries 21; Heart 21; Afferent branchial arteries 22: Scoliodon (Dog-fish) 23; Efferent Branchial Arteries 23: Scoliodon (Dog-fish) 24; Cranial Nerves 24; Scoliodon (Dog-fish) 26 Eye Muscles and Nerves 26; Scoliodon (Dog-fish) 27; Internal Ear 27: Accessory Respiratory Organs 27; Anabas 27: Clarias 28; Heteropneustes or Saccobranchus 28; Rana tigrina (Frog) 29; Extemal Features 29: Rana tigrina (Frog) 30: General Anatomy 30: Reproductive organs 32: Rana tigrina (Frog) 32: Venous System 32-33; Rana tigrina (Frog) 34; Arterial System 34; Rana tigrina (Frog) 35: Cranial Nerves 35: Rana tigrina (Frog) 37: Internal Ear 37: Columella Auris 38Uromastix (Lizard) 38: External Features 38; Uromastix (Lizard) 39: Venous System 39-40; Uromastix (Lizard) 41: Arterial System 41: Columba livia (Pigeon) 43; External Features 43: Columba livia (Pigeo)44: General Anatomy 44: Columba livia (Pigeon) 46; Flight Muscles 46; Columba livia (Pigeon) 47: Perching Muscles 47: Columba livia (Pigeon) 49: Venous System 49; Columba livia (Pigeon) 50; Arterial System 50: Columba livia (Pigeon) 52: Air-sacs 52: Columba livia (Pigeon) 53; Pecten 53: Rattus ratfus (Rat) 53; External Features 53, Raltus rattus (Rat) 55; General Anatomy 55; Rattus rattus (Rat) 56; Venous System 56, Rattus rattus (Rat) 58; Arterial System 58: Rattus rattus (Rat) 60; Male Urinogenital Organs 60: Rattus rattus (Rat) 61: Female Urinogenital Organs 61; Rattus rattus (Rat) 62; Neck Nerves 62
5 : Preparation Of Permanent Slides ... 64-67
Methods of Preparation of Permanent Slides 64; Temporary Mounting 64; Permanent Mounting 64; Summary of Permanent Mounting 67.
6 : Important Mountings ... 68-78
Protochordates 68: Spicules of Herdmania 68: Neural gland, Nerve ganglion and Dorsal tubercle (Neural complex) of Herdmania 68, Saipa (Whole mount) 69; Doliolum (Whole mount) 69; Amphioxus (Whole mount) 70: Oral hood of Aniphloxus 71: Velum of Amphioxus 71: Pharyngeal wall of Amphioxus 72: Fishes 72: Placoid scales of Scoliodon 72: Cycloid scales of Labeo (Rohu) 73: Ctenoid scales of Nandus 73: Rhomboid scales of Lepidosteus 73: Ampulla of Lorenzini 74: Amphibia 74 squamous epithelium 74; Ciliated epithelium 74: Striated (Striped) muscles 75: Unstriated (Unstriped) muscles 75, T.S. of cartilage 76: Medullated and Non-medullated nerve fibres 76: Blood of frog 77: Aves 77: Pecten of Pigeon 77; Filoplume 78; Mammals 78: Blood of Rat 78.
7 : Study Of Museum Specimens (Museology) 79-82
Museology 79; Collection 79; Preservation 80: Collection and Preservation in Chordate Groups 80; Arrangement and Care of Specimens in Museum 81: Instructions to Draw Museum Specimens 81.
8 : Phylum Chordata ... 83-85
General Characters 83: Outline Classification of Phylum Chordata 84: Group l. Protochordata or Acraniata 84: Subphylum 1. Hemichordata 84; Subphylum 2. Urochordata 84: Phylum Chordata 84: Subphylum 3. Cephalochordata 85; Group II. Chordata or Craniata 85: Subphylum Vertebrata 85.
9 : Group-Protochordata 86-108
General Characters 86; Group-Protochordata 86: Subphylum-Hemichordata 86: SubphylumUrochordata 87: Class-Ascidiacea 87: Class-Thaliacea 87. Subphylum - Hemichordata 8r. Class 1-Enteropneusta 87: Class 11-Pterobranchia 88; Subphylum Il-Urochordata 88: Class 1--Larvacea 88; Class II --Ascidiacea 89; Class Ill-Thaliacea 89: Subphylum Cephalochordata 90; Museum Specimens of Protochordata 90; Balanoglossus 90: Saccoglossus 91: Ptychodera 92: Cephalodiscus 93: Rhabdopleura 94: Oikopleura 95: Herdmania 96; Ciona 98. Ascidia 99; Molgula 100: Botryllus 101: Clavellina 101: Pyrosoma 103 Doliolum 104: General Organisation 104: Sexual form or Gonozoold 105; Asexual form or Oozooid 105: Salpa 106: Amphioxus 107.
10 : Class-Cyclostomata ... 109-114
General Characters 109; Class-Cyclostomata 109, Museum specimens of Cyclostomata 110; Petromycon (= Lampetra) 110; Myxine 111; Edelostoria 112; AmioCoete Larva 113.
11 : Superclass-Pisces ... 115-182
General Characters 115; Outline Classification of Superclass Pisces le Fishes) 116: Superclass Pisces 116; Subclass A. Actinopterygii 116; Class I. Chondrichthyes (= Elasmobranchii) 117, Subclass A. Selachil 118; Subclass B. Brachyodonti 118; Class II. Osteichthyes 118: Subclass A. Actinopterygii 119, Subclass B. Sarcopterygii (=Choanichthyes) 122: Museum Specimens of Fishes 123: Class: Chondrichthyes 123 (Cartilaginous fishes) 123 Scoliodon 123, Chiloscyllium 124: Sterostoma 125: Sphyma 126, Scyon 127; Rhinobatus 127; Trygon (Sting-ray) 129: Myliobatis (Eagle-ray) 130: Pristis (Saw-fish) 131: Haja or Raia (Skate) 132 Torpedo or Astrape (Electric-ray) 133: Chimaera (Rat-fish) 134: Class Ustei 135; Bony Fishes 135; Polypterus (Bichir) 136: Acipenser (Sturgeon) 137; Polyodon (Padd Amla (Bowlin) 139; Lepidosteus (Garpike) 140: Salmo (Trout) 141: Esox (Pike) 142, Hilsa 143; Marp 144: Notopterus (Chitala) 145; Labeo rohita (Rohu) 146: Catia 147: Cyprinus (European carp) o Cirrhina mrigala (Mrigal) 149; Barbus sarana (= Puntius) 150: Arius 151: Heteropneustes (Saccobranchus) 152; Clarias (Mangur) 153; Wallago (Lachi) 154; Mystus 155: Rita 156: Anguilla (Eel) 157, (Xenentodon) 158; Hemirhamphus 159; Exocoetus 160; Hippocampus (Sea-horse) 161; Fistularia (Flute-fish) 162: Syngnathus (Pipe-fish) 163; Ophiocephalus (Channa) 164: Amphipnous 165Anads 166; Trichiurus 167; Cyblum (Scomberomorus) 168 Trichogaster 169, Pterois (Scorpion-lis! Synaptura (Flat-fish) 171: Echeneis (Sucker-fish) 172: Ostracion 179. Tetroodon 174; Diodon 175, Lophius 176: Antennarius 177: Neoceratodus 178; Protopterus (African Lung-fish) 179. Leprous (American Lung-fish) 180; Shark Embryo with Yolk-sac 181: Ego-capsule of Shark 182.
12 : Class Amphibia ... 183-203
General Characters 183; Class-Amphibia 183: Subclasses 183; Subclass B. Lissamphibia 184; Orders 184: Order II Urodela 184: Suborder 184; Order III Anura 184; Suborder 184: Museum Specimens of Amphibia 187, Ichthyophis (Caecilian) 187Uraeotyphlus 189: Cryptobranchus (Hell-bender) 189; Ambystorna (Tiger Salamander) 190: Axolotl Larva 191: Salamandra (European Fire Salamander) 192; Amphiuma (Congo Eel) 193: Triton (European Crested Newt) 193: Classification 193; Proteus (European Blind Cave Salamander) 194: Necturus (Mud Puppy) 195: Siren (Mud Eel) 196: Ascaphus 197; Alytes (Mid-wife Toad) 197. Pipa (Surinam Toad) 198: Bombinator (Fire-bellied Toad) 199, Bufo (True Toad) 199; Hyla (Tree Frog) 200: Rhacophorus (Flying Frog) 201; Rana (Indian Bull-Frog) 202.
13 : Class - Reptilia ... 204-249
General Characters 204; Class-Reptilia 205: Musuem Specimens of Reptilia 208; Chelone (Chelonia) (Green Turtle) 208: Chrysemys (Painted Terrapin) 209, Kachuga (Roofed Terrapin) 210; Trionyx (Soft River Terrapin) 211: Testudo (Giant Turtle) 212: Sphenodon (Tuatara) 212; Hemidactylus (Common House Lizard) 214; Calotes (Garden Lizard) 215; Crotaphytus (Collared Lizard) 216; Draco (Flying Dragon) 217; Moloch 218; Phrynosoma (Horned Toad) 218: Iguana 219; Heloderma (Gila Monster) 220; Varanus (Common Indian Monitor) 221: Mabuia (Skink) 222; Chamaeleon 223; Ophisaurus (Glass Snake) 224; Rhineura (Worm Lizard) 224; Distinguishing features of Poisonous and Non-Poisonous Snakes 225; Key for Identification of Poisonous and Non-poisonous Snakes 227: Typhlops (Blind Snake) 228; Python (Ajgar) 229; Eryx (Indian Sand-Boa) 230: Natrix (Water-snake) 231; Zamenis - Fyas (Dhaman) 231; Dendrophis (Tree-snake) 232; Lycodon (Common Woll-snake) 233; Bungarus (Krait) 233; Naja (Indian Cobra) 234; Elaps = Micrurus (Coral Snake) 236; Viper (Russell's Viper) 236; Ancistrodon = Agkistrodon (Himalayan Pit-viper) 237; Hydrophis (Sea-snake) 238; Enhydrina 239; Crotalus (Rattle-snake) 240: Crocodylus (Mugger) 241; Alligator 242: Gavialis (Ghariyal) 243: Extinct Reptilos (Dinosaurs) : Models 244; Ichthyosaurus 244; Dimetrodon 245; Brontosaurus 245; Diplodocus 246; Tyrannosaurus 247: Iguanodon 247. Stegosaurus 248; Rhamphorhynchus 249; Pteranodon 249.
14 : Class - Aves (Birds) ... 250-276
General Characters 250; Class-Aves 251: Subclass 11-Neomitties 253; Superorder I-Odontognathae 253: Superorder I-Palaeognathae 253: Superorder III-Impennae 255; Superorder IV-Neognathae (Carinatae) 255; Museum Specimens of Aves 259; Phoenicopterus (Flamingo) 259; Milvus (Kite) 260; Gyps (Vulture) 261: Pavo (Peacock) 262; Columba fivia (Pigeon) 263: Eudynamys (Koel) 264: Psittacula (Parrot) 265, Bubo (Homed Owl) 266: Coracias (Nilkanth) 266; Dinoplum (Woodpecker) 267: Passer (House Sparrow) 268; Corvus (Crow) 269, Archaeopteryx 270: Types of Feathers in Birds 271: Typical Quill Feathers 271: Contour Feather 271, Filoplume Feather 272: Down Feather 272; Types of Beaks in Birds 272: Types of Feet or Claws in Birds 275.
15 : Class Mammalia ... 277-318
General Characters 277, Class--Mammalia 278: Subclass 1-Theria 278; Subclass Prototheria 279: Order 1. Monotremata 280 Subclass 11-Theria 280; Infraclass I-Metatheria 280: Infraclass I-Eutheria 280: Museum Specimens of Mammalia 287, Echidna (Tachyglossus) (Spiny Anteater) 287: Omithorhynchus (Duck-bill Platypus) 288; Macropus (Kangaroo) 289; Erinaceus (Hedgehog) 290: Talba (Mole) 291; Sorex (Shrew) 292, Pteropus (Flying-fox) 292; Bal 293 Loris 294; Manis 295: Hystrix (Porcupine) 296; Funambulus (Squirrel) 297: Rattus (Common Black Rat) 297, Oryctolagus (Rabbit) 298: Lepus (Hare) 299, Herpestes (Mongoose) 300: Lutra (Otter) 300: Felis domesticus (Cat) 301: Felis leo (Panthera leo) (Lion) 302, Canis familiaris (Dog) 303; Melursus ursinus (Sloth Bear) 303: Acinonyx lubatus (Cheetah) 304; Hyaena striata (Hyaena) 305, Phoca (Seal) 306; Platanista gangetica (Ganges Bolohin) 306: Macaca (Rhesus Monkey) 307. Hylobates (Gibbon) 308: Pan triglodytes (Chimpanzee) 308 Pongo (Orang-utan) 309; Gorilla (Gonlla) 310, Elephas maximus (Elephant) 310; Equus cabalus (Horse) 311: Equus zebra (Zebra) 312Equus hemionus (Ass or Donkey) 313; Rhinoceros 313; Camelus dromedarlus (Arabian Camel) 314 Sus scrofa (Wild Boar) 315Giraffa camelopardalis (Giraffe) 316; Ovibos moschatus (Musk Ox) 317. Ovis (Sheep) 317: Moschus moschiferous (Musk Deer) 318.
16 : Slides Of Protochordata ... 319-333
T.S. of Proboscis of Balanoglossus 319; T.S. of Collar of Balanoglossus 320; T.S. of Branchiogenital Region of Balanoglossus 320; T.S. of Post-hepatic Intestine of Balanoglossus 321: M.L.S. of Anterior Region of Balanoglossus 321; Tomaria Larva (Whole mount) 323 Spicules of Herdmania 324; Microscleres 324; Megascleres 324; Tadpole Larva of Herdmania 325; L.S. of Anterior Part of Amphioxus 325; T.S. of Amphioxus through Oral Hood 326; T.S. of Amphloxus through Anterior Pharynx 327; T.S. of Male Amphioxus through Posterior Pharynx showing Testes and Liver Diverticulum 328; T.S. of Female Amphioxus through Posterior Pharynx showing Ovaries and Liver-diverticulum 329; T.S. of Amphioxus through Intestine or Midgut 330; T.S. of Amphioxus through Atriopore 331: T.S. of Amphioxus through Anal Region 332; T.S. of Amphloxus through Caudal Region 332: Velum of Amphioxus (Whole mount)
333; Oral hood of Amphioxus (Whole mount) 333.
17 : Slides Of Cylostomata ... 334-337
T.S. of Ammocoete Larva through the Pharyngeal Region 334: T.S. of Ammocoete Larva through the Liver 334; T.S. of Ammocoete Larva through the intestine or Gut 335; T.S. of Ammocoete Larva through the Heart 335; T.S. of Petromyzon through Branchial (Pharyngeal) Region 336: T.S. of Petromyzon
through Posterior Trunk Region 337; T.S. of Petromyzon through the Tail (Caudal) Region 337.
18 : SLIDES OF FISHES ... 338-345
V.S. of Skin of Shark 338: T.S. of Scoliodon (Hand cut Section) through the Olfactory Region 338. T.S. of Scoliodon (Hand cut section) through the Branchial Region 339: T.S. of Scoliodon (Hand cut section) through the stomach and Liver 340; T.S. of Scoliodon (Hand cut section) through the intestine 341; T.S. of Scoliodon (Hand cut section) through the Base of Pelvic Fin of Male and Female 341; T.S. of Scoliodon (Hand cut section) through Caudal Region 342: Ampulla of Lorenzini 343; Placoid Scale of Scoliodon (Whole mount) 343: Cycloid Scale (Whole mount) 344; Ctenoid Scale (Whole mount) 344; Ganoid Scale (Whole mount) 345; Ganoid Scale (Whole mount) 345.
19 : Slides Of Amphibia ... 346-357
T.S. of Head Region of Frog 346; V.S. of Skin of Frog 346; T.S. of Desophagus of Frog 347; T.S. of Stomach of Frog 348; T.S. of Intestine of Frog 349: T.S of Rectum of Froa 350: T.S. of Liver Ol Frog 350; T.S. of Pancreas of Frog 351; T. S. of Spleen of Frog 352; T.S. of Lung of Frog 353; T.S. of Kidney of Frog 354; T.S. of Testis of Frog 354; T.S. of Ovary of Frog 355T.S. of Spinal Cord of Frog 356; T.S. of Bone of Frog 357.
20 : Slides Of Reptilia ... 358-359
V.S. Skin of a Lizard 358; V.S. of Lung of Lizard 359.
21 : Slides Of Birds ... 360-362
V.S. of Skin of a Bird 360; L.S. of Syrinx of a Bird 361; L. S. of Crop of Pigeon 362, V.L.S. of Proventriculus of Pigeon 362.
22 : Slides Of Mammalia ... 363-378
V.S. of Skin of a Mammal 363;T.S. of Oesophagus of a Mammal 364: T.S. Stomach of a Mammal 365, T.S. of Duodenum of a Mammal 366; T.S. of Liver of a Mammal 367. T.S. of Pancreas of a Mammal 368; T.S. of Spleen of a Mammal 369; T.S. of Lung of a Mammal 370, L.S. of Kidney of a Mammal sro, T.S. of Cortex Part of Kidney of a Mamimal 371; T.S. of Medulla Part of Kidney of a Mammal 372... of Testis of a Mammal 373; T.S. of Ovary of a Mammal 374; T.S. of Penis of a Mammal 375, 1... of Spinal Cord of a Mammal 376; V.L.S. of Anterior Lobe of Pituitary Gland of a Mammal 370, V.S. Thyroid Gland of a Mammal 377; T.S. of Adrenal Gland of a Mammal 378
23 : Histology Of Some Vertebrate Tissues ... 379-385
Simple Squamous Epithelium 379; Unstriated or Smooth Muscle Fibres 379; Striated or Skeletal Muscle Fibres 380; Cardiac Muscle Fibres 380: Hyaline Cartilage 380: Elastic Cartilage 381; Fibro-cartilage 381; T.S. of Bone of Mammal 381; L.S. of Bone of Mammal 382; Blood of Frog 382; Blood of Man (Mammal) 383; T.S. of Artery 383; T.S. of Vein 384: Section of Taste Bud 384; Medullated Nerve Fibres 385: Non-medullated Nerve Fibres 385.
24 : Embryological Slides ... 386-408
Development of Frog 386; Unfertilized Egg of Frog 386; L.S. of Early Blastula of Frog 386; V.S. of Early Gastrula of Frog 387; V.S. of Late Gastrula of Frog 387; V.S. of Complete Gastrula 388; Tadpole Larva of Frog 388; T.S. of Tadpole through Eye Region 389; T.S. of Tadpole through the Auditory Vesicles (Ears) 390; T.S. of Tadpole through the Head and Gills 390; Development of Chick 391; Chick Embryo 4 Hours of Incubation (Whole Mount) 391; Chick Embryo-16 Hours of Incubation (Whole mount) 391: Chick Embryo-18 Hours of Incubation (Whole mount) 392: Chick Embryo-24 Hours (Whole mount) 392; Chick Embryo-28 Hours (Whole mount) 393; Chick Embryo-33 Hours (Whole mount) 394; Chick Embryo-36; Hours (Whole mount) 395; Chick embryo-43 hours (Whole mount) 396; Chick Embryo-55 Hours (Whole mount) 397: Chick Embryo-72 Hours (Whole mount) 398; Chick Embryo-96 Hours (Whole mount) 399; L.S. of 17-Hours of Chick Embryo 399; T.S. of 18-hours of Chick Embryo 400; T.S. of 24-Hours Chick Embryo 400; (A) T.S. through Head Region 400: (B) T.S. through Mid-body 401; T.S. of 28 Hours Chick Embryo through Pericardial Region 401; T.S. of 33-Hours Chick Embryo through Mid-brain Region 402; T.S. of 48-hours Chick Embryo through Brain and Optic Vesicles 402; T.S. of 48 Hours Chick Embryo through Auditory Vesicles 403; T.S. of 48-Hours Chick Embryo through Heart 404; T.S. of 72-Hours Chick Embryo through Brain and Eye 404: T.S. of 72-hours Chick Embryo through Pharynx 405; T.S. of 72. Hours Chick Embryo through Auditory Vesicles 405; Six-day Chick Embryo (Whole mount) 406; Eightday Chick Embryo (Whole mount) 406; Twelve-day chick embryo 407; Eighteen-day Chick Embryo (Whole mount) 407; Twenty one-day Chick Embryo (Whole mount) 408.
25 : Osteology ... 409-412
Osteological Terms 409: Parts of a Typical Vertebra 410; Different kinds of Centra 410; Jaw Suspensions (Suspensorium) 411
26 : Skeleton Of Scoliodon ... 413-417
Endoskeleton 413; Skull (1) Cranium 413: (11). Visceral Skeleton 415: (I). Vertebral Column 415: Extra Terms 416: (IV). Pectoral Girdles and Fins 416; (V). Pelvic Girdle and Fins 417.
27 : Skeleton Of Frog ... 418-426
Axial Skeleton 418; Skull of Frog 418; Bones Seen on the Dorsal Surface 419, Bones Seen on the Ventral Surface 419; Disarticulated Bones of Frog 419; Vertebral Column 422: Appendicular Skelaton 423: Girdles 423; Pectoral Girdle and Sternum 423: Pelvic Girdle 424; Forelimb Bones 425: Hindlimb Bones 425.
28 : Skeleton Of Varanus ... 427-437
Axial Skeleton 427; Skull 427; Occipital Segment 427, Parietal Region 429; Frontal Region 429; Sense Capsules (Olfactory Capsules) 429: Suspensorium 429: Bones of Upper Jaw 430; Lower Jaw (Mandible) 431: Hyoid Apparatus 432; Vertebral Column 432; Stemum 434; Appendicular Skeleton : Girdles 434: Pectoral Girdle 434; Pelvic Girdle 435, Limb Bones 438; Forelimb Bones 436; Hindiimb Bones 437.
29 : Skeleton Of Fowl ... 438-448
Axial Skeleton 438; Skull 438, Disarticulated Skull Bones of Fowl 440; Bones of Upper Jaw 440; Lower Jaw (Mandible) 441; Vertebral Column 442; Thoracic Rio 444; Sternum 444; Appendicular Skeleton 445 Girdles 445; Pectoral Girdle 445; Pelvic Girdle 448; Forelimb Bones 447; Hindlimb Bones 448.
30 : Skeleton Of Rabbit ... 449-460
Axial Skeleton 449: Skull 449; Disarticulated bones of skull 449; Lower Jaw (Mandible) 453; Vertebral column 453; Rib 455: Stemum 456; Appendicular Skeleton 456: Girdles 456; Pectoral Girdle 456; Pelvic Girdle 457: Limb bones 457, Forelimb Bones 457; Hindlimb bones 458; Comparison of Skulls 459.
31 : Skeleton Of Dog ... 461-470
Axial Skeleton 461; Skull 461: Disarticulated Bones of Skull 463; Lower Jaw (Mandible) 465; Important Foramina of the Skull 466: (A) Foramina for Nerves 466; (B) Foramina for Other Purposes 466; Vertebral Column 467; Appendicular Skeleton 468; Girdles 468; Pectoral Girdle 468: Pelvic Girdle 468; Limb Bones 469; Forelimb Bones 469; Hindlimb Bones 470.
32 : List Of Chemicals And Apparatus ... 471-472
Chemicals 471; Some Important Laboratory Reagents 472; Glass Apparatus 472.
33 : Experimental Biochemistry And Physiology ... 473-502
Colour and Precipitation Reactions on Food Stuffs 473; A. carbohydrates 473; Experiment No.1.473; Tests for Carbohydrates (Monosaccharides: Glucose and Fructose) 473: Disaccharides 474, Experiment No. 2. 474; B. Proteins 474; Tests for Proteins : Colour Reactions 474: C.Lipids (Fats) 476; Experiment No. 3. 476; Tests of Lipids 476; D. Enzymes 476; Experiment No. 4.476; Test for Salivary Amylase 476; Experiment No. 5. 477; Test for Pepsin Enzyme on Protein 477: Experiment No. 6. 478; Test for Trypsin Enzyme on Protein 478.
34 : Chromatography ... 503-515
What is Chromatography? 504; Chromatographic Methods 504: Techniques 504; Paper Chromatography 505; What is Paper Chromatography? 505; Types of Paper Chromatography 505, Techniques of Paper Chromatography 505; Rf Value 506; Rf Variation 507. Procedure 508: Experimental Paper Chromatography 511: Experiment No. 1511: Paper Chromatography for Identification of Amino acids, Amines and peptides 511; Specific Reagents for a Few Amino Acids 512; Separation of Free Amino Acids and Peptides in Tissues 512; Paper Chromatography for Amino Acids 512: Experiment No. 2 512: Paper Chromatography for Carbohydrates 513; Rf values of Some Sugars (After Block) 514: Experiment for Sugar Chromatography 515: Experiment No 3 515; Result of Ascending Paper Chromatography of Unknown Sugars 5to.